letter to editor

It was a brief mention on the ABC radio, non specific, only heard once but enough for me to look it up. ‘Carbon footprint’ is a phrase that we recognise but from where that phrase came isn’t recognised. Here is what I found and quoting Wiki.

“The use of household carbon footprint calculators originated when oil producer BP hired Ogilvy to create an "effective propaganda" campaign to shift responsibility of climate change-causing pollution away from the corporations and institutions that created a society where carbon emissions are unavoidable and onto personal lifestyle choices. The term "carbon footprint" was also popularized by BP.”

That was a surprise to learn but not totally unexpected.

The state of the changing climate is not your fault. The fact that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change hasn’t recognised the immense part that our star, the sun, plays when ‘climate modelling’ is undertaken beggars belief but so it is. The IPCC, from its own website, came into existence specifically to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities. 

There is no such thing as ‘Scientific consensus’ nor does the phrase ‘The science is settled’ hold any meaning. As for being a ‘Climate Denier’ – define it. It’s another phrase used to stifle questioning.