moving with the seasons

“Count your blessings.” is an odd expression, a bit discordant with an almost miserly aspect but it comes to mind and I know what it means. 

I’m not living through flood or fire although the fires came close and the floods occurred further down the hill and threw plans into disarray and so it’s been since Christmas last and continues. 

Mid winter here which is early August and for me, since March, our national lockdown has been complicated by the need for two operations, and ‘thanks be’ for a National Health system which has continued to work while skirting the plague. 

The sun shines, my eye has clarity, my body feels fine, there’s work to do in the garden and while war continues on so many fronts, I don’t need to only focus on that. 

The joy of the Olympics, the reminder that political entities don’t stand on the podium, that this is reserved for individual effort and sublime performance. Any ‘basking in the reflected national glory’ is real enough, the competition, the disasters and the triumphs but it’s a human being on the podium regardless of country nomination. 

Joy looks the same on any face and any race – the triumph of the human spirit. 

How wonderful to see the skate boarding where the competitors take delight in their ‘opponents’ good runs. Remarkable. 

It’s been a tonic to my spirit and I’m not alone in finding the Olympics inspiring. 

Thank you Tokyo, thank you Japan.