accoustic night at the Gearins Hotel

last night went well inasmuch as I got through to the semi-final of the Gearins Hotel accoustic/roots series. This is a home town pub gig with performers bringing their own crowd. As I dont have a home crowd, I suppose it means I got through on my own merit which is really very good as I didn't feel relaxed and 'in the zone'. It didn't help me, that I was put up as the final performer ...just more time to reflect ...but the organisers remembered me from the last series and 'liked my stuff' and there's an aspect to my approach to these matters which is to go with the flow and accept that perhaps some deeper purpose is at work. So, not a concert or a long set, just four songs which the crowd liked but I know I can play better when I 'm not so wobbly ! Anyway that's what I mean when I say I do these things because it's good for me's to get out of my comfort zone and extend myself. I do continually remind myself that the worst that can happen is that I forget everything, go blank, vomit on the audience and shit myself ....none of this has happened although I've gone blank which I'm sure happens to everyone. Joe told me this ... mother asks son what he wants to be when he grows up. 'Be a musician' says the son. 'You cant do both' says mother.