Fare thee well

I’m hard pressed to know what to say about death. Always a shock even if expected but shock upon shock, reverberations when unexpected. Such it has been for Ross Broadstock the guiding light of BritainsHiddenHistory channel on youtube who died of a heart attack, too young, too vibrant. 

He leaves an ongoing priceless legacy in the bringing to light the works of Wilson and Blackett, historians of the highest calibre and in the personal ‘out in the field’ research that Ross achieved. 

I never met Ross in person but felt as though I’d got to know something of the essence of the man by virtue of his videos. 

‘Fare thee well’, Ross. I’d been trying for months to get a phonetic version of that glorious Welsh song ‘Yma o Hyd’ – much loved world wide but difficult to sing for a non Welsh speaker. Ross also enjoyed trying to sing this song. I finally managed to write a reasonably o.k. phonetic version which I’d have sent to Ross had he not died. 

An English translation of the chorus reads “We are still here. We are still here. Despite everyone and everything, we are still here.” Poignant, given the circumstance. 

This is the video. There is a free, downloadable mp3 on the music page here. 

These are the phonetic lyrics. 

                              DOIT  TEAMYN  COVIO  MACSEN 

                              DOICE  NERE  BENEE  NABO  DOR 

                        MY MILL  ACH  WAY  CANT O  FLYNETHOI 

                                  EN AMSER HE HIR I’R COR 

                    PANNETH  MAGNUS MAXIMUS O GUMRI 

                         AN EN FLOYTHEN TRI CHANT WITH TREE 

                          AN   GADAEL  AN  GENED L  GUFAN   

                                   A   HETHUW  WELE   NI 


                                    RINNEE  YAMA O  HEED 

                                     RINNEE  YAMA O HEED 

                              ER GWYTHER PAWB A FOPETH  x 3 

                                    RINNEE  YAMA O HEED 

                    HOOKTHED AH GWINT OR  DEWRYNE 

                         RHEE-ED  AH  STARM  OR MORE 

                        HOCHTED  AH  MARE  ER  WIBREN 

                     AH  GWEETHED  AH   DARAN  ENCOR 


                      A  THLUVED  A  TIE-OG  A  THLAWR 

                  ER  DEE-ED   YUR VAXEE   ON  COUMPASS 

                     RINI  BAROD   OM  DORIAD  A  WAWR 

                                      RINNEE YAMA O HEED  etc     

                             COVEEYO  KNEE  VACSEN  WLEDIG 

                            AARDILE  EIN  GWLAD  INUN  DARN 

                          A BLOITHION  GEBRON  A  GWLEDITH 

                        CULL HAMA  HEED  DEETH  A VARN 

                        ER GWYTHER  POB  DICK-SION  DAVITH 

                          ER  GWYTHER  EN  VACHEE  ECHREW 

                          BURTH A DAMA    HEED   DEWETH  AMSER 

                         A  BITHREE-AITH  GYMRAEG  IN  VIEW 

                               RINNEE YAMA O HEED  etc    x  2 

As for who IS the Mascen Wledig mentioned in the song – ancestors and descendants – a screenshot here of the charts courtesy of Ross.