the drought bites deep in many ways

It’s ten degrees colder here – a mile high - than it is an hour’s drive down the ‘hill’ to the foot of the mountains. The winds sweep up from the Antarctic and howl through the winter months. They swirl and gust and, particularly while we’re in drought, the threat of bush fires is very real. This high up and Winter comes early while Spring arrives late. Trees that are in flower not much further away are here only in bud.

How quickly things can turn is evident by the convoys of trucks bringing hay from Western Australia to farmers here in New South Wales. The whole State is in drought and Queensland fares not much better. Farmers get rid of stock and the ground is bare. ‘It’s a beautiful day’ rings hollow when rain is the desperate need.

Wild weather is everywhere and while climate change is real and man’s contribution is undeniable I wonder whether or not we’ve got the whole picture. Planet Earth isn’t sitting in splendid isolation. We’re subject to the solar wind, to the rumblings and cycles of our sun. Planetary warming appears to be happening to the other planets and if indeed the Universe is electric – not as yet accepted by mainstream science – then our climate modelling is based on a false or, at best, incomplete paradigm.

And to cheer me up, Daffodils, Jonquils, Snowdrops and Hyacinths appear here in the garden apparently untroubled by outside conditions. They move to some internal and mysterious prompting and I can’t help but feel that this is true of so much of life.

‘Earthquakes are random and cannot be predicted’ has been the accepted view although there is now a cautious acceptance that this isn’t necessarily the case. Be that as it may, the agencies concerned with reporting earthquakes are still working on the premise that earthquakes cannot be predicted, that they’re entirely random. With this complacent view in mind, the USGS has no reason to do their job ‘properly’ by which I mean that they see no reason to be quick and accurate about their earthquake reporting. Not only are they slack in their reporting, their consistent downgrading of the magnitude of earthquakes is inaccurate and can only be justified so as to not alarm the public. Of course real estate values and tourism concerns may play a part in this woeful approach to their purpose.

In the same way that Galileo had to recant his findings or suffer the wrath of the religious ‘powers that be’, so the same attacks, without the threat of death, applied to Velikovsky when he dared suggest and prove that our planet has been subjected to catastrophies rather than the slow evolutionary changes which the idea of uniformitarianism would suggest. That idea proposes that the way the solar system is now is the way it has always been. No basis for that idea in terms of proof but it was accepted in the mid 1800’s when it was proposed – just before Darwin’s work on evolution.

Dutchsinse, with his meticulous daily earthquake reporting and prediction is not alarmist and has proved to be more accurate than chance would predict. The USGS has defamed Dutchsinse on a regular basis to the point where he’s moved from Youtube to Twitch. The USGS don’t and won’t debate Dutchsinse but use their power to diminish his work. A dreadful approach to scientific inquiry and one which is always in play when new evidence threatens the established view – a view in which academic reputations are put at risk. To call these approaches ‘conspiracy’ isn’t entirely accurate – it’s more a case of small minds and petty concerns.

When I started looking at early British history and found the work of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett who are also meticulous in their research, again, they’re ignored or dismissed but without actually looking at the facts that they present. Sad truth is that facts don’t matter until there’s no choice but to accept them.

The sky has clouded over and perhaps there’s the promise of rain.