from 'shell shock' to 'post traumatic stress disorder'

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

Whatever language you speak there would have been a similar saying to the one above that your parents, your mother or father, would use to illustrate and to give you the ability to develop a ‘thick skin’ when playground taunts about your race, creed or whatever happened to hurt your feelings.

It’s part of the process of growing up, of understanding that life isn’t fair and if your parents took that process one step further they may have added that just because life isn’t fair that’s no reason to treat others unfairly.

That commonsense saying is completely at odds with the travesty of tolerance pushed upon us by those whose agenda would have words such as ‘he’ and ‘she,’ ‘mother’ and ‘father’ replaced by some nonsensical word which doesn’t offend.

Gay and lesbian couples make up a small percentage of our society yet their agenda has dominated our mass media and trailing along merrily are the transgender, bisexual and indeterminate sections of society who demand not only a tolerance but would have society change completely to celebrate their difference. There’s a huge difference between tolerance and remaking society.

‘I was born this way’ is a slogan and perhaps some are ‘Born this way’ but nurture plays a part in our development as does nature. To pretend otherwise is utterly dishonest. It is not being tolerant to place the education of our children in the hands of those who would change our very language to push the idea that gender is ‘on a spectrum’ and that words such as ‘he’ and ‘she’ must be replaced for fear of hurting feelings.

People can’t be forced to like and embrace each other by legislation. Given enough resources and what is considered unacceptable by one generation can be changed into acceptable within less than a lifetime. We’ve witnessed this and it isn’t necessarily a good outcome.

And yet this is just one sliver, one fraction of the changes already in place and coming our way. There is nothing ‘brave’ about this ‘Brave New World’, this coming New World Order. Although portraying a different dystopian future but equally totalitarian in nature, the novel ‘1984’ which was published in 1949, portrays a world in which most of the world suffer perpetual war, omnipresent governmental surveillance and endless propaganda … sound familiar? From it we get the terms ‘doublethink’, ‘thoughtcrime’ and ‘Big Brother’ …. to which we can now add ‘fake news’ and ‘hate speech’ and the one which really sets the tone – ‘useless eaters.’

Hey – that’s you and I.

 These projected futures are dark but they’re not the only possible future. There are the unexpected events which change everything. Usually such events aren’t positive but why let that fact be a cause for dismay.

It’s worth remembering that those who would bring about a new world order need to create such division among us all that we, ourselves, call out for a new world order to end the chaos that those enmeshed in dark power have done their best to create.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” …. while that saying may help a child to shrug off insults it doesn’t hold true under all circumstance. Words are powerful and are used to sway nations.

We’ve been sweltering under a heatwave here in Australia. Too hot to do much outside after 8 a.m. and so I’ve watched a documentary called the Brussels Business which details the intense lobbying which creates the framework legislation behind much of what the European Union has now become. I followed that with a talk by YanIs Varoufakis who speaks with great clarity about various threads of the fabric of that same entity.

After that - ‘Humour is what I need’ thought I and jumped back into the absurdist and delightful world of Monty Python and followed that with George Carlin – just for the difference. A common concern now with all those comedians is ‘political correctness’ and how that hideous concept stifles expression and inevitably leads to self censorship. Have a laugh. We’ve moved from ‘shell shock’ to ‘post traumatic stress disorder’ and it’s exactly the same condition so why has the language changed?

I’ve placed some talks below. A new year beckons.