Scarlett Affection

there were about 16 songwriting acts at The Excelsior Hotel last night. At 6 on the list were Scarlett Affection - two luscious young sisters. Their vocals were luscious - they just looked gorgeous and played beautifully and were a standout as far as I'm concerned. You can find them on myspace and elsewhere. I went on at number 12 by which time I wasn't sure I'd remembered my lyrics. It was fine but 'could do better' in terms of being centered and 'in the zone'. As I haven't played much in public, it was more about 'just doing it' and building some confidence. I'll keep 'doing it' and am looking forward to the Darling Harbour songwriters day on 17th November. This is organised through The Songwriting Society who are very much a nurturing and encouraging group of people. Worth joining if you if you have any gift in the songwriting direction.